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northshire bookstore

  • This week's Book Picks come from Kira Wizner of Merritt Bookstore in Millbrook, New York and Paul Thompson from of Northshire Bookstore in Manchester, Vermont and Saratoga, New York.
  • Philip Glotzbach, Skidmore College’s seventh president, will discuss his new book "Embrace Your Freedom: Winning Strategies to Succeed in College and in Life" with Beau Breslin at Northshire Bookstore in Saratoga Springs, New York on Tuesday, July 9.
  • This morning, we have two booksellers from two bookstores joining us with books we should pay attention to. This week we welcome Giovanni Boivin from The Bookloft in Great Barrington, MA and Jericha A. Harriman from of Northshire Bookstore in Manchester, Vermont and Saratoga, New York.
  • This week's book picks come from Heather Boyne of Battenkill Books in Cambridge, New York and Connie Brooks and Cathy Taylor of Northshire Bookstore in Manchester, Vermont and Saratoga, New York.
  • In twenty-six essays, one for each letter of the alphabet, Elizabeth Kolbert takes us on a haunting journey through the history of climate change and the uncertainties of our future in her new book, "H Is for Hope." Kolbert is the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of "The Sixth Extinction." Elizabeth Kolbert will be in conversation with Bill McKibben at Northshire Bookstore tomorrow night at 6 p.m.
  • Allison Pataki is the New York Times bestselling author of “The Traitor’s Wife,” “The Accidental Empress,” and “The Magnificent Lives of Marjorie Post.” She will be talking about her latest, “Finding Margaret Fuller,” at Northshire Bookstore in Saratoga Springs, New York tonight.
  • This week's Book Picks lists comes from Mike Hare of Northshire Bookstore in Saratoga Springs, New York and Phil Lewis of the Bennington Bookshop in Bennington, Vermont.
  • Artist, small-business owner, and formerly incarcerated bank robber, Daniel Killion has a new book, "Portrait of a Bank Robber." In the mid-'90s, pre-consciously aware of "wage slavery" and "systemic racism," and after seeing the iconic film Point Break, he is inspired to rob banks. It's a romantic life-defining spree that ends in Danny (alias: Paul Blackman) inevitably getting "busted."With a 13-year sentence, it was hard for Killion to imagine life outside of prison, but there’s one thing that he says saved him: his love for art. Through Connecticut’s Community Partners in Action, Killion redirected his frustration into creativity with their prison arts program.Daniel Killion joins us with co-author Matthew Klane to discuss his memoir.
  • Artist, small-business owner, and formerly incarcerated bank robber, Daniel Killion has a new book, "Portrait of a Bank Robber." In the mid-'90s, pre-consciously aware of "wage slavery" and "systemic racism," and after seeing the iconic film Point Break, he is inspired to rob banks. It's a romantic life-defining spree that ends in Danny (alias: Paul Blackman) inevitably getting "busted."With a 13-year sentence, it was hard for Killion to imagine life outside of prison, but there’s one thing that he says saved him: his love for art. Through Connecticut’s Community Partners in Action, Killion redirected his frustration into creativity with their prison arts program.Daniel Killion joins us with co-author Matthew Klane to discuss his memoir.
  • Today's Book Picks list comes from Bethany Marsfelder of The Northshire Bookstore and Phil Lewis of Bennington Bookshop.