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The Legislative Gazette
Fridays, 10:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m., Saturdays 7:00 a.m. - 7:30 a.m.; July-August Sundays, 2:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

You can find the region's most in-depth look at New York State politics and government each week on The Legislative Gazette. On each program, the award-winning WAMC News team combines forces to bring you a wrap-up of the week's political news, the latest from the legislature, and the stories that will keep you well-informed.

Twitter: @Leg_Gazette

  • (Airs 11/03/23 @ 10 p.m.) The Legislative Gazette is a weekly program about New York State Government and politics. On this week’s Gazette: A state senate hearing lawmakers hear complaints about flaws in the legal cannabis rollout, State Assembly member Glick on the need for more legislation to protect the environment, and advocates raise the alarm over new possible anchorages in the Hudson River.
  • (Airs 10/27/23 @ 10 p.m.) The Legislative Gazette is a weekly program about New York State Government and politics. On this week’s Gazette: Advocates testify about the need to expand New York’s bottle deposit law, we’ll take you to Saranac Lake where there’s now the first vending machine outside NYC to dispense the overdose reversal drug Narcan, and SUNY Chancellor King shares his thoughts on how the university is approaching the use of artificial intelligence in learning.
  • (Airs 10/20/23 @ 10 p.m.) The Legislative Gazette is a weekly program about New York State Government and politics. On this week’s Gazette: Governor Hochul is considering a bill to exempt income for poll workers from being counted toward the cap on School Tax Relief or STAR program, the Adirondack Council issues its annual “State of the Park,” report card, and RPI becomes the first university in the world to house a quantum super computer.
  • (Airs 10/13/23 @ 10 p.m.) The Legislative Gazette is a weekly program about New York State Government and politics. On this week’s Gazette: The Governor and state attorney general back two bills to protect children from social media, a discussion with the Jewish Federation of Northeastern New York about the state’s connection to Israel and reaction to the attack on Israel by Hamas, and we’ll share one town’s idea to boost a shortage of volunteer firefighters.
  • (Airs 10/06/23 @ 10 p.m.) The Legislative Gazette is a weekly program about New York State Government and politics. On this week’s Gazette: Five years later, we remember the tragic limo crash that killed 20 people in Schoharie, recent storms and flooding put pressure on lawmakers to move New York more quickly to clean energy sources, and we’ll talk about legal representation for the poor with the Executive Director of the Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York.
  • (Airs 09/29/23 @ 10 p.m.) The Legislative Gazette is a weekly program about New York State Government and politics. On this week’s Gazette: We take a look at what state government is doing to alleviate the teenage mental health crisis, Senator James Skoufis, a Democrat, shares his thoughts on the economic impact of the call by the state budget director for a hiring freeze at state agencies, and a new model of campus living is coming to the lower Hudson Valley.
  • (Airs 09/22/23 @ 10 p.m.) The Legislative Gazette is a weekly program about New York State Government and politics. On this week’s Gazette: Governor Hochul signs a law to make it easier for New Yorkers to access mail-in voting, Assembly Minority Leader William Barclay on the Republican plan to deal with migrants, and fall foliage season begins upstate.
  • (Airs 09/15/23 @ 10 p.m.) The Legislative Gazette is a weekly program about New York State Government and politics. On this week’s Gazette: The state’s first African American chief judge, Rowan Wilson, was inducted into his post, a conversation about the state’s nation leading climate leadership and community protection act, and we’ll remember the 22nd anniversary of 9/11.
  • (Airs 09/08/23 @ 10 p.m.) The Legislative Gazette is a weekly program about New York State Government and politics. On this week’s Gazette: A new report suggests the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in New York started earlier and spiked six times higher, Assembly Majority Leader Crystal Peoples-Stokes says no to Republicans’ call for a special session to deal with the influx of migrants, and there’s a new survey of school superintendents’ thoughts on educating migrant children.
  • (Airs 09/01/23 @ 10 p.m.) The Legislative Gazette is a weekly program about New York State Government and politics. On this week’s Gazette: Governor Kathy Hochul says New York state health officials are on the lookout for a new COVID-19 variant, a group of professors has filed a class action gender pay gap lawsuit against Vassar College, and we’ll take a closer look at Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD).