Ending months of speculation, former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio says he will not run for governor against Governor Kathy Hochul. In a social media video released today.
Proponents of raising taxes on New York’s wealthiest say they have a new impetus to increase the state’s revenue: the continued bad news from Washington…
The New York governor and New York City mayor are both in political hot water of late.In today’s Congressional Corner, New York Representative Paul Tonko…
The New York State legislature has been on a three week break. In their absences, federal investigations into aides close to Governor Andrew Cuomo and New…
Government reform groups say you can add one more item to the long list of reforms that they believe are needed in Albany. They say limits are needed on…
New York City officials have been subpoenaed by local and federal prosecutors amid an investigation into the mayor's campaign fundraising operation. Maya…
A New York state senator from the Hudson Valley has introduced legislation calling for increased penalties for people found violating election law. The…
Tensions between upstate senators and the mayor of New York City were highlighted during a budget hearing on aid to local governments in Albany, when…
New York voters say the ongoing feud between Gov. Andrew Cuomo and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is hurting the state. A Quinnipiac University Poll…
WAMC's David Guistina talks with Ken Lovett of the New York Daily News about New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's trip to Puerto Rico, NYC Mayor Bill de…