Few journalists working today have covered Donald Trump more extensively than Pulitzer Prize Winning NYT Journalist Maggie Haberman. And few understand him and his motivations better. Now, demonstrating her command of this story, Haberman reveals in full the depth of her understanding of the 45th president himself, and of what the Trump phenomenon means. Her new book is "Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America" and is currently #1 on the NYT Bestsellers List.
Smarter than his critics contend and colder and more calculating than his allies believe. Haberman shows a man who embedded himself in popular culture, galvanizing support for a run for high office that he began preliminary spadework for 30 years ago, to ultimately become a president who pushed American democracy to the brink.
The through-line of Trump’s life and his presidency is the enduring question of what is in it for him or what he needs to say to survive short increments of time in the pursuit of his own interests. Maggie Haberman is a journalist who joined The New York Times in 2015 and was part of a team that won a Pulitzer Prize in 2018 for reporting on the investigations into Donald Trump’s, and his advisers’, connections to Russia.