On July 17, 2014, a black man named Eric Garner died on a sidewalk after a police officer put him in what has been described as an illegal chokehold…
New York's highest court has blocked an effort to unseal the testimony that a grand jury heard before declining to indict a police officer in the…
As the nation celebrates the life and achievements of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., WAMC takes a look at the civil rights movement and race relations…
The Michael Brown and Eric Garner grand jury outcomes launched protests from coast to coast.In today’s Congressional Corner, New York representative Paul…
A New York state assemblyman says he is preparing legislation to give the state attorney general sole power to prosecute police crimes. This comes in the…
There are growing calls in Albany for a special prosecutor to investigate police encounters with unarmed citizens that end in the death of the person.…
Are we safer with or without the police around? When juries, grand juries and prosecutors regularly decide that plain, on camera, evidence doesn’t show…
A march is planned Sunday in Pittsfield, Massachusetts following the grand jury decisions to not indict white police officers in the deaths of two black…