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Any Questions #571: "Daylight Trivia Time"

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Last week's challenge
Start with the term ELECTION DAY. Rearrange the letters and you can spell two signs a driver might see. What are they?
Answer: OCTANE and YEILD

On-air questions: The transition from EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) to EST (Eastern Standard Time) was last weekend, and our questions this week are making the same change. Each correct answer this week will change a D to an S in a well-known name, title, or phrase. The question will hint at the original phrase and the word with the letter change. For example, if the clue was “Which index helps pigs keep track of the stock market?” the answer would be “Sow Jones Industrial Average”.

1. Which football position usually lines up close to the sidelines and is also very smart?
2. Which patriotic song is about a person who put a feather in his cap after lying down on the beach?
3. What type of computer program arbitrarily chooses how much you should ask for in return for releasing your prisoner?
4. Which 1982 science-fiction film is about a marathon entrant who’s not that excited about the race?
5. On which game show do you decide whether you want the singer of “Kiss from a Rose” or not?

Extra credit
1. Which 1964 hit song is about the head of a motorcycle gang who is the only member who doesn’t own his home?
2. What do you call a smooch from a line of popular dolls that first became a fad in the 1980s that were supposedly “born” in a garden?

This week's challenge
Start with the phrase TIME CHANGES. Add a letter, then rearrange the result to spell a six-letter word for something that sticks to other things and a six-letter word for something you might use to get something unstuck from something else. What are the words?

On-air questions
1. Wise receiver
2. “Yankee Doodle Sandy”
3. Ransom number generator
4. Blasé Runner
5. Seal or no Seal

Extra credit
1. “Leaser of the Pack”
2. Cabbage Patch Kiss

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