The new book - "Let’s Get Physical: How Women Discovered Exercise and Reshaped the World" is a blend of reportage and personal narrative that explores the untold history of women’s exercise culture by author and award winning journalist Danielle Friedman.
Comics and cultural superstar Alison Bechdel is back and once again she has reinvented memoir, as she did with “Fun Home”, this time by telling her life story decade by decade through the lens of her lifelong obsession with exercise. Her new graphic memoir is “The Secret to Superhuman Strength.”
Comics and cultural superstar Alison Bechdel is back and once again she has reinvented memoir, as she did with “Fun Home”, this time by telling her life…
Whether you call it a lockdown, a quarantine or put a hashtag in front of Stay Home, New Yorkers and others are facing a new chapter in the new normal:…
Our Falling into Place series spotlights the important work of -and fosters collaboration between- not-for-profit organizations in our communities;…
Our Falling into Place series spotlights the important work of -and fosters collaboration between- not-for-profit organizations in our communities;…
Ben Applebaum and Dan DiSorbo have coauthored several humorous pop culture books together. Their latest is Recess: From Dodgeball to Double Dutch: Classic…
Are you recovering from an injury or illness that has left your physical movement impaired? We have a licensed physical therapist in the studio today to…
We’re constantly warned about the dangers of being overweight or obese; even the government has proclaimed a war on obesity, demanding that steps be taken…
As a journalist whose career spans three decades, CNN correspondent Tom Foreman has reported from the heart of war zones, riots, and natural disasters. He…