Even before the cataclysmic 2016 election the Democratic party had long been at war with itself. Yet, Joe Biden’s narrow victory in 2020 bridged the divide facing the dire threat of a second Trump administration. Democrats forged an unlikely but affective coalition that stalled Trumpism at the ballot box and enacted a rath of consequential legislation. But how long can the uneasy piece hold and can Biden win again.
The new book “The Truce” is a definitive history of a half-decade of upheaval in the Democratic party. In which a new generation aggressively pursued their progressive ideals while the powerful centrist establishment adapted to remain in command.
Journalists Hunter Walker and Luppe B. Luppen illuminate the story of back room maneuvering and political strategy. There are new revelations about pivotal events and exclusive on the record comments from activists, campaign operatives, and members of Congress. The name of the book is "The Truce: Progressives, Centrists and the Future of the Democratic Party." It I a great pleasure to welcome them both to the RT.