In Tom Rachman's "The Imposters," Dora Frenhofer, a once successful but now aging and embittered novelist, knows her mind is going. She is determined, however, to finish her final book, and reverse her fortunes, before time runs out. Alone in her London home during the pandemic, she creates, and is in turn created by, the fascinating real characters from her own life.
*Originally aired as The Book Show #1668.Joe Donahue: Amity Gaige's new novel “Sea Wife” is a swift and thrilling literary page turner about a young…
Jamie Bernstein is an author, narrator, and filmmaker. Her memoir, "Famous Father Girl," details her youth growing up with her father, composer-conductor…
Joe Donaue: Megha Majumdar's debut novel "A Burning" is about three characters whose lives become entwined after a terrorist attack in India. It is taut,…
Playing out against the backdrop of Donald Trump’s infamous Access Hollywood interview and the months leading up to the 2016 election, James Lasdun’s new…
National Book Award finalist Elliot Ackerman’s new novel, “Waiting for Eden,” tells the devastating story of a husband and wife who cannot communicate…