Ride-hailing company Uber has begun serving travelers at Albany International Airport after a long period of negotiations. Airport officials say nearly 3…
WAMC's Dr. Alan Chartock discusses denuclearization in North Korea. Dr. Chartock also shares his thoughts on the impact of Uber and Lyft on public…
Ride-hailing service Lyft has partnered with the newly renovated Times Union Center in downtown Albany. Here's a look at ride-hailing six months after…
An unsigned agreement is leaving some travelers to Albany in the lurch. Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan numbered among thousands of upstate residents hailing…
It’s been just over two weeks since ride hailing services have been permitted outside New York City, and Governor Andrew Cuomo says he’s pleased, so…
It is day five for ride-hailing services in New York outside of the Big Apple. In the Hudson Valley, Westchester County lawmakers plan to monitor their…
Elected officials, law enforcement and local business leaders gathered today in downtown Albany to celebrate the launch of ride-hailing apps in the…
June 29 is the first day ride-hailing services like Uber and Lyft can operate in upstate New York and Long Island. State lawmakers approved expanding the…
Officials across upstate New York are welcoming the expansion of ride-sharing services as a way to reduce alcohol-related crashes.Buffalo Mayor Byron…
Lyft says it's already recruited thousands of potential drivers ahead of its upstate New York launch later this month.Lyft and Uber plan to begin service…