Beloved actor and environmental activist Ed Begley Jr. shares hilarious and poignant stories of his improbable life in his memoir "To the Temple of Tranquility...And Step On It!." The book focusses on his relationship with his legendary father, adventures with Hollywood icons, the origins of his environmental activism, addiction and recovery, and his lifelong search for wisdom and common ground.
Climate Activist Mark Dunlea has spent a lifetime on these issues and is author of the new book: "Putting Out the Planetary Fire: An Introduction to Climate Action and Advocacy." The volume provides an overview of the central issues in the climate movement: Renewable Energy, Environmental Justice, Reparations, False Climate Solutions, Real Life Barriers, carbon pricing, Green New Deal, crypto mining, plastics, and military.
Kurt Vonnegut’s major apocalyptic trio, "Cat’s Cradle," "Slapstick," and "Galápagos," prompt broad global, national, and species-level thinking about environmental issues through dramatic and fantastic scenarios. Christina Jarvis' book, "Lucky Mud and Other Foma," tells the story of the origins and legacy of what Kurt Vonnegut understood as “planetary citizenship” and explores key roots, influences, literary techniques, and artistic expressions of his interest in environmental activism through his writing.
In "Paradise Falls: The True Story of an Environmental Catastrophe," New York Times journalist Keith O’Brien uncovers how Lois Gibbs and Luella Kenny exposed the poisonous secrets buried in their neighborhood.
Lois Gibbs, Luella Kenny, and other mothers loved their neighborhood on the east side of Niagara Falls. It had an elementary school, a playground, and rows of affordable homes. But in the spring of 1977, pungent odors began to seep into these little houses, and it didn’t take long for worried mothers to identify the curious scent. It was the sickly sweet smell of chemicals.In "Paradise Falls: The True Story of an Environmental Catastrophe," New York Times journalist Keith O’Brien uncovers how Gibbs and Kenny exposed the poisonous secrets buried in their neighborhood. The school and playground had been built atop an old canal — Love Canal, it was called — that Hooker Chemical, the city’s largest employer, had quietly filled with twenty thousand tons of toxic waste in the 1940s and 1950s. This waste was now leaching to the surface, causing a public health crisis the likes of which America had never seen before and sparking new and specific fears. Luella Kenny believed the chemicals were making her son sick.
Environmentalist and bestselling author Bill McKibben's first-ever children's book We Are Better Together is out today. It is a hopeful and inspiring story that celebrates the power of human cooperation and the beauty of life on Earth, while also acknowledging and spreading awareness of our changing planet. Northshire Bookstore will host his virtual launch on tonight at 5:30pm where Bill will be in-conversation with Carole Lindstrom, 2021 Caldecott Medalist and New York Times bestselling author of We Are Water Protectors. As one of the most trusted, leading authorities speaking to the issue of climate change, there’s no one better to teach the next generation than Bill McKibben. He is a founder of the environmental organization 350.org, the first global grassroots climate campaign, and has organized on every continent, including Antarctica, for climate action. And in this time of crisis, including extreme disasters like wildfires and floods, it's children who may be the most powerful force for the transformation we need.
Leading voice in the climate movement Paul Hawken has a new book entitled "Regeneration: Ending the Climate Crisis in One Generation." It weaves justice, climate, biodiversity, equity, and human dignity into a seamless tapestry of action, policy, and transformation.
At a time when countless communities are resisting powerful corporations—from Flint, Michigan, to the Standing Rock Reservation, to Didipio in the…
The Pittsfield, Massachusetts Board of Health has unanimously backed a petition calling for three Berkshire County power plants to transition to green…
For the past 30 years, John F. Sheehan has been the voice of the Adirondack Council on radio and television and in local, regional, and national media. He…