Strange Universe With Bob BermanJupiter passed behind the Sun a week ago, so it’s still lost in the solar glare. By next month, early risers will start seeing brilliant Jupiter in the east before dawn, as a morning star. But when we think of that giant planet, people who care about astronomy think of its strange moon Europa, which is probably the likeliest place for life in the known universe.
In 1928 antimatter was discovered by Paul Dirac and was confirmed real seven years later. We find ourselves in a matter dominated universe. Tune in to hear why the tranquility of space, in reality, is not so tranquil, and about positrons.
Strange Universe With Bob BermanSaturn’s Moon Titan is visible through binoculars each evening this week. It's where abundant water exists but only in the form of ice, and where pools of fluid methane add a surrealistic touch.
It's widely misunderstood where in the heavens the sun sits at the time of the solstice. Traditionally it was the zodiacal sign of Cancer, hence "Tropic of Cancer" as the earthly place where you’d see the midday sun standing straight overhead. But despite the lingering name, the solstitial sun drifted out of Cancer and into Gemini two thousand years ago. This week: a special solstice.
Acclaimed journalist David Brown's new book "The Mission" tells how one of America's boldest and potentially most revolutionary space missions came to…