Opalka Gallery’s new exhibit, “Up South: Reflections on the Great Migration by ransome,” is a solo exhibition of new work on view through April 22.
Over a sixty-year period, Black people left behind poverty and Jim Crow in search of new lives in the North, Midwest, and West. ransome reflects on this moment in America’s history, interweaving this historic narrative into new paintings with collage, sculpture, and installation.
In over 200 works, the artist weaves in stories, both from his own personal experience and from historic accounts of what is viewed as the largest mass migration event in US history, spanning the years from 1910 through the 1970s.
This is Opalka’s first curatorial collaboration with Black Dimensions in Art, Inc.
This morning we welcome ransome, co-curators Stephen Tyson and Jacqueline Lake-Sample from Black Dimensions in Art, Inc. and Director of Opalka Gallery Amy Griffin.