"Schitt's Creek" is a Canadian sitcom created by father-and-son duo Eugene and Dan Levy about a family that loses their fortune and ends up relocating to a middle-of-nowhere, but lovable, town: Schitt’s Creek.
The fictional town actually resembles a real town - Sharon Springs, New York in Schoharie County. Last month, Sharon Spring's Beekman 1802 Mercantile store partnered with "Schitt's Creek" to pull off a transformation.
They made a few changes to the building's outside and rearranged some products inside the store turning the shop into a real-life Rose Apothecary, the boutique store opened by character David Rose in the POP and CBC show's third season.
Josh Kilmer-Purcell and Brent Ridge founded Beekman 1802 in 2008 after they purchased a farmhouse in Sharon Springs and started creating goat milk soaps from the animals that live on the farm.
Joe Donahue spoke with them and with Store Manager Emily Weise about this special pop-up event.