The Maya Gold Foundation was created in response to the tragic death of 15-year old Maya Gold, a New Paltz High School student who took her own life in October of 2015. Maya’s parents, Elise Gold and Mathew Swerdloff, launched the organization with help from community members and friends, in response to the social pressures and concerns her death brought to light.
In addition to being a loving daughter, sister, and friend, Maya was a social activist, an inspired student, and creatively engaged with the world. She loved to travel and dreamed of working in Nepal. In Maya’s honor, the Foundation will collaborate with communities in and around New Paltz and in Nepal.
Natalie Merchant and Friends will play a benefit concert for the Maya Gold Foundation on Saturday, October 22 at 7 PM at Studley Hall, SUNY New Paltz.
Elise Gold and Mathew Swerdloff join us now to tell us more about their work and The Maya Gold Foundation.