Nationally, Joe Biden maintains a big advantage among Hispanic voters relative to 2016 exit polling. A Washington Post average of recent polls shows that…
David Plouffe served as the campaign manager for Barack Obama's primary and general election victories in 2008. He was the architect of the strategy for…
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has signed a bill that allows for email communication to voters. Emails would be in addition to postal mail.The legislation…
Professor Joshua A. Douglas, an expert on our electoral system, joined us to present an encouraging assessment of current efforts to make our voting…
Ian Shapiro is Sterling Professor of Political Science and director of the MacMillan Center at Yale University, with Frances McCall Rosenbluth (Damon…
Vermont’s Secretary of State is clarifying that he will not release private and sensitive voter information to President Trump’s Election Integrity…
In Strangers in Their Own Land, sociologist Arlie Hochschild embarks on a thought-provoking journey from her liberal hometown of Berkeley, California,…
Various organizations in New York have voter protection operations in place for Election Day. So far, problems at the polls, especially in the New York…
Today's panelists are WAMC’s Alan Chartock, Political Consultant Libby Post and University at Albany Journalism Professor and Investigative Reporter,…
A New York state Senator who won election by 18 votes, 2 ½ months after Election Day, and only after New York’s highest court became involved, wants to…