Weike Wang is the author of the novels "Chemistry" and "Joan Is Okay." Her new novel, "Rental House," is a wry, snappy, and insightful story of a married couple vacation with both of their parents. Wang will be at The Odyssey Bookshop in South Hadley, Massachusetts on December 5.
We all love vacations but relatively few of us are aware of the dramatic changes to the sky when we travel. Actually, nothing happens if we shift our location east or west, like going from New York to Rome. But when we travel north or South, it’s a new universe.Hear why, when traveling, it’s worth a few minutes to gaze at the unusual sky.
Two New York congressmen are calling on the FBI to investigate the deaths of two Westchester County residents in the Dominican Republic.The Mount Vernon…
For many, the Labor Day weekend is summer’s last hurrah. WAMC’s Southern Adirondack Bureau Chief Lucas Willard reports on some of the events happening in…
Today the Borscht Belt is recalled through the nostalgic lens of summer swims, Saturday night dances, and comedy performances. But its current state, like…
Just before the major party conventions, there’s a new poll out from the Siena Research Institute. But if you’re ready for a break from politics, you’re…
It’s the peak of the summer vacation season, meaning thousands have flocked to the Berkshires. But where do year-round residents go to relax?The…
Jacob Tomsky joins us to talk about Heads in Beds: A Reckless Memoir of Hotels, Hustles, and So-Called Hospitality .