Two marine conservation organizations intend to sue Northeast states over what they say is a failure to protect an endangered species.
In the Adirondack region, reaction is mixed to news that DEC Commissioner Basil Seggos plans to step down, although most are disappointed to hear the news.
New York state has obtained two significant conservation easements in the Adirondacks that will permanently protect an ecologically significant area while opening lands for public recreation.
We welcome back Jeremy Hurst, Game Management Section Head for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Also joining us is Jim Farquhar, Chief of the Bureau of Wildlife in DEC’s Central Office. Ray Graf hosts.
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is advising people to avoid using the Adirondack Rail Trail.
We welcome back Jeremy Hurst, the Big Game Unit Leader for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Also joining us is Josh Stiller, coordinator of the DEC's migratory and upland game bird program 800-348-2551 is the number to call at show time. Ray Graf hosts.
DEC officials appeared at Petersburgh town hall Wednesday night to provide details of the years-long investigation, but some want more frequent communication with the Department.
Today we talk about wildlife that you might find in your own backyard. We welcome back Mandy Watson, coordinator of the Furbearer and Small Game Mammal programs for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Also joining us is Matt Palumbo from the Avian Unit of the DEC’s Wildlife Diversity Section They'll take your calls 800-348-2551. Ray Graf hosts.
We welcome back Jeremy Hurst, the Big Game Unit Leader for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Also joining us is Carl Herzog, the DEC's bat expert. 800-348-2551 is the number to call at show time. Ray Graf hosts.
New York state is now classified at a hire fire risk by the New York Department of Environmental Conservation.