This weekend’s Newburgh Literary Festival, conceived by Safe Harbors, is curated by authors Ruth Danon and Belinda McKeon. The event will feature the work and words of eight acclaimed writers and will be enlivened by readings, conversations, interviews, interactive workshops, a Local Writers' Fair and a cocktail mixerThis year the Festival committee is thrilled to present poets Erica Hunt, Ricardo Alberto Maldonado and Evie Shockley, as well as fiction writers Julie Chibbaro, Saïd Sayrafiezadeh and Laura Sims, essayist Jordan Kisner and memoirist Julie Metz. These visiting writers will be introduced by the festival curators, poet Ruth Danon and novelist Belinda McKeon, both of whom live locally.Danon and McKeon will also moderate a special keynote event Saturday afternoon, a conversation with me about books and the Book Show. We welcome Ruth Danon and Belinda McKeon.
A movie starring Brendan Fraser is filming in Newburgh.Darren Aronofsky’s film “The Whale” is filming on location at Umbra Sound Stages in Newburgh.…
A brick and mortar bank will open in Newburgh. The city hasn’t had a full-operation bank in a few years, a hole that Rhinebeck Bank will soon fill. Local…
There’s a new fire chief for the City of Newburgh, New York.City officials have hired Francis “F. J.” Spinelli as chief of the Fire Department. Spinelli…
The City of Newburgh held a public hearing Monday night to present its draft report on police reform. It’s part of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s…
Newburgh, New York has launched its first arts and cultural study. The idea is to use the study to better understand the city’s arts and cultural assets,…
In New York, the City of Newburgh has enlisted an equity and diversity consultant.Lifelong Newburgh resident Genesis Ramos will help the city achieve…
In New York, the City of Newburgh is seeking proposals from nonprofits to start a program to prevent homelessness stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic.City…
Environmental and community advocates are calling for the immediate repair of a temporary water filtration system at Stewart Air National Guard Base in…
Our Falling into Place series spotlights the important work of -and fosters collaboration between- not-for-profit organizations in our communities;…