30 million Americans lack formal health insurance. Many of the rest live in constant danger of losing their coverage if they lose their jobs, give birth, get older, get healthier, get richer, or move. Even with insurance, most Americans live with the risk of enormous medical bills for their “covered” care.
Where does one go without health insurance, when turned away by hospitals, clinics, and doctors? "The People’s Hospital," physician Ricardo Nuila’s debut, follows the lives of five uninsured Houstonians as their struggle for survival leads them to a hospital where insurance comes second to genuine care. Each patient eventually lands at Ben Taub, the county hospital where Dr. Nuila has worked for over a decade.
Americans consistently identify the cost of health care as their number one financial concern. That’s especially true for the 155 million working…
Americans care about their health. Americans pay lots of money in hopes of maintaining their health. So why are Americans so unhealthy?The reason is…
New York Times columnist John Schwartz wrote his new book, "This Is The Year I Put My Financial Life In Order," for people willing to learn new money…
The prospect of entering treatment is overwhelming for anyone facing a diagnosis of cancer. While patients have access to a vast amount of medical…
Law enforcement, intelligence and lawmakers are always worried about another terrorist attack.In today’s Congressional Corner, New York representative…
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. The American Psychological Association has issued a survey on people’s awareness of a 2008 law that requires…
Massachusetts Insurance Regulators have denied a proposal that would have raised state workers’ compensation rates nearly 19%. WAMC’s Berkshire Bureau…
A survey of tornado survivors finds many with unmet needs as the one year anniversary of the natural disaster in western Massachusetts approaches. WAMC’s…