"Meet the Panelist" is a sporadic segment where we have in depth discussions with Roundtable Panelists to learn about their lives, careers and how they arrive at their various points of view. In this segment, we talk to Siena College Professor of Economics Aaron Pacitti.
"Meet the Panelist" is a sporadic segment where we have in depth discussions with Roundtable Panelists to learn about their lives, careers and how they arrive at their various points of view. In this segment, we talk to Siena College Professor of Economics Aaron Pacitti.
What does our desire for certainty and control have to do with our decision-making? According to behavioral economics pioneer Peter Atwater, the answer is simple: everything.In his book, "The Confidence Map," Atwater explores the hidden role of confidence in the choices we make, and why events described as being unprecedented are often entirely predictable—if we know what to look for.
Do you know what ZOMBIE ECONOMICS is? It’s an economic theory that has been proven wrong time and time again but keeps coming back --- as if from the…
For decades, a secret army of tax attorneys, accountants and wealth managers has been developing into the shadowy Wealth Defense Industry. These “agents…
After initially showing reluctance, President Trump over the weekend signed a $900 billion COVID-19 stimulus package that includes direct payments to…
While not the only factors, two of the major forces impacting the economy are the coronavirus and who will be sitting in the White House come January.…
Every so often we check in with economist Hugh Johnson, chairman and chief investment officer of Hugh Johnson Advisors in Albany. With more sectors of the…
The coronavirus pandemic has shut down or altered many aspects of the global economy. To discuss what might lie ahead, WAMC's Jim Levulis spoke with Hugh…
Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman is one of the most recognizable and trusted voices on economics and policy today. Through a regular column in…