A new distracted driving law takes effect this weekend in Massachusetts. Beginning Sunday, February 23rd, drivers in Massachusetts will be forbidden from…
Massachusetts has become the 16th state with a law that bans drivers from holding phones. The new law which takes effect on February 23rd, 2020, prohibits…
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Traffic Safety Committee is holding public listening sessions to gather input about potential use of the so-called…
Vermont law enforcement agencies are working together to lower the number of distracted drivers on the state's highways.On Monday, state police troopers…
Police around New York state say they'll be ramping up patrols this Thanksgiving to look for drunken or distracted drivers and underage…
Students at Lee High School in Massachusetts are receiving a crash course in the dangers of texting and driving this week.Two drivers’ seats each with…
Governor Andrew Cuomo has announced the start of a new summer crackdown by the New York State Police on distracted driving. The up to $1 million effort…
The Caledonia County Sheriff's Department and St. Johnsbury Police Department are going to teach young Vermont drivers about the dangers of distracted…