"The Busy Brain Cure" by Dr. Romie Mushtaq is the culmination of 20+ years of clinical research as a brain doctor and experience in corporate wellness as a Chief Wellness Officer.
How does the human brain give rise to intelligence and conscious experience? Was Freud right that we are all plagued by forbidden sexual desires? What is the function of emotions such as disgust, gratitude, and shame? Renowned psychologist Paul Bloom answers these questions and many more in "Psych," his new book about the science of the mind.
Learning and playing music, more than almost any other activity, strengthens and preserves brain function. Moreover, the brain of a musician is markedly…
Bestselling YA author Andrea Buchanan lost her mind while crossing the street one blustery March morning. The cold winter air triggered a coughing fit,…
In 1991, the police were called to East 72nd St. in Manhattan, where a woman's body had fallen from a twelfth-story window. The woman’s husband, Herbert…
Nearly everyone swears—whether it’s over a few too many drinks, in reaction to a stubbed toe, or in flagrante delicto. And yet, we sit idly by as words…
Many know Kimberly Williams-Paisley as the bride in the popular Steve Martin remakes of the Father of the Bride movies, the calculating Peggy Kenter on…
Of the ten million bits of information our brains process each second, only fifty bits are devoted to conscious thought. Because our brains are wired to…
Simon Winchester has never shied away from big, even enormous, topics—as evidenced by his bestselling biography of the Atlantic Ocean, his account of the…
What are the differences between a winning and losing performance? Why are we able to rise to the challenge one day, but wilt from it the next? Can we in…