The Saratoga Springs City Council has had an empty seat for nearly one month with no signs of agreement on how to get it filled. Following Tuesday’s meeting, however, a path forward is beginning to materialize.
After months of planning and debate, the Albany County Board of Elections has moved into its new home. In September 2018, word came that the Department of…
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has signed a bill that allows for email communication to voters. Emails would be in addition to postal mail.The legislation…
The long-awaited move of the Albany County Board of Elections has gotten the go-ahead.The Albany County Legislature voted Monday 28-10 in support of…
In September, word came that the Department of Motor Vehicles would be moving out of downtown Albany, setting off debate about the South End neighborhood.…
In September, word came that the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles on South Pearl Street was moving out of downtown Albany, forced to vacate the…
Elected officials and civic leaders appear to be at an impasse over controversial remarks by Albany County Board of Elections officials about the city’s…
Several members of the Albany County Legislature gathered with civic leaders Monday in Albany's South End following controversial remarks by a Board of…
The state board of elections approved the language for a ballot amendment that would change the way redistricting is done in New York. But not everyone is…
Anti-corruption proposals are proliferating in Albany, following two high-profile bribery scandals. Some of them focus on the long-neglected State Board…