The company behind the AIM pipeline project has been given the green light to start operations. There are a few exceptions, mainly a new portion under the…
A coalition of 21 plaintiffs has filed a brief seeking to overturn a federal agency’s approval of a pipeline project in the Northeast. A number of the…
More than three dozen New York state lawmakers have signed a letter sent to a federal energy regulator. They want construction halted on a pipeline…
A coalition that opposes the construction of a gas pipeline through the Hudson Valley is holding a day of activism and resistance in Westchester County…
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation held a public hearing Thursday in Rockland County’s Stony Point concerning a proposed pipeline…
The head of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has responded to a New York congresswoman’s concerns about a proposed pipeline expansion near Westchester…
A New York congresswoman has written to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission about assessing potential dangers from a proposed pipeline expansion near…
A Westchester County legislator says he has strong concerns about a natural gas line project that could run through portions of his county. He also wants…