The Roundtable Panel: a daily open discussion of issues in the news and beyond. Today's panelists are public policy and communications expert Theresa Bourgeois and Vice President for Editorial Development at the New York Press Association Judy Patrick.
We are also joined by Fariba Pajooh who is originally from Iran, with over 15 years of reporting experience across the globe. Her focus was on Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Currently, Fariba is a qualitative researcher, Ph. D. candidate, and graduate teaching assistant in the Department of Communication at Wayne State University.
As well as Ali Vaez who is Crisis Group’s Iran Project Director and Senior Adviser to the President. He is an adjunct professor at Georgetown University’s Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service and a Fellow at the Foreign Policy Institute of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. He is a co-author of "How Sanctions Work: Iran and the Impact of Economic Warfare."
This panel is in a new pre-fund drive format that aims to provide information and discussion on topics pertaining to the 2024 election.