Last week's challenge
Chevy Chase shot to fame during the first season of Saturday Night Live in 1975. This February, SNL is celebrating its 50th anniversary. Start with the letters SNL, insert four more, and you can spell the name of another former cast member. Who is it?
Answer: Adam SANDLER
On-air questions: Today is Friday the 13th. Besides being a day that is often considered by some to be surrounded by superstition and bad luck, it’s also the title of a horror movie franchise featuring a character named Jason Voorhees. We’ll make every attempt to avoid running into that Jason while I ask you some questions about other famous Jasons.
1. From 1998’s Rushmore to 2023’s Asteroid City, actor Jason Schwartzman has appeared in seven films directed by which director, known for his distinct visual style and large ensemble casts?
2. In Greek mythology, a hero named Jason set out on a quest to find the Golden Fleece as a condition of taking his rightful place on the throne his half-brother occupied. The crew that Jason brought on this quest, who were named after the ship on which the group sailed, were known as what?
3. In addition to his studio work and membership in other bands, drummer Jason Bonham played on three occasions between 1988 and 2007 with the three surviving members of the band for which his father was the original drummer. Which band is it?
4. Jason Mendoza is one of four characters, along with Eleanor Shellstrop, Tahani Al-Jamil, and Chidi Anagonye, who meet in the afterlife in which NBC sitcom created by Mike Schur and starring Ted Danson?
5. Located in Arlington, Massachusetts, a historic site known as the Jason Russell House is famous for being a central location of the first day of fighting in the American Revolutionary War in April of 1775. The most common name of the battle that took place on this day includes the names of which two other Massachusetts towns?
Extra credit
1. Hall-of-Fame point guard Jason Kidd won an NBA championship in 2011 with the same team of which he is now the head coach. Which team is it?
2. Deception, Objective, Retribution, and Ultimatum are four of the nineteen words that each end a three-word title of a novel with whom as the central character?
This week's challenge
Start with the last names of two famous Jasons: BATEMAN and ROBARDS. Change one letter to an H and you can rearrange the result to spell the eight-letter name of an island nation and the six-letter name of a world capital. What are the words?
On-air questions
1. Wes Anderson
2. Argonauts
3. Led Zeppelin
4. The Good Place
5. Lexington and Concord
Extra credit
1. Dallas Mavericks
2. Jason Bourne