Paul Elisha
Commentator and Host, Poetry Forum-
This commentary first aired on November 6, 2012.Ever since the first American hostages of church-state confederacy resolved to sever themselves from…
Watching Public Television’s recent National Memorial Day observance, that made reference to the awe-inspiring sacrifice of World War II veterans, in…
Carl Sandburgh, the great American pundit/poet and Lincoln biographer coined a phrase: “The past is a bucket of ashes,” which came to mind on reading of…
Since this commentary was aired, nearly a year ago, last June, the hoodlums in ‘The People: Yes’ poems of Carl Sandburg, have become emboldened. The…
Probably nothing has roiled the hoped-for response to Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu’s unprecedented address to the joint houses of The U.S.…
President Barack Obama delivered his two thousand/fifteen – State Of The Union – Address to a Joint Session of Congress, in which victorious mid-term…
On the eve of the most difficult and demanding chapter in this democratic republic’s history of having to mount and maintain military defenses of absolute…
On this One-Hundreth anniversary of the ‘Yuletide Peace, undeclared but observed by ordinary soldiers on both sides of the field of slaughter, in World…
In frequent past circumstances, this currently dispirited paladin was moved to remind certain ‘Second Amendment’ advocates (who’ve had what more of us…
Hard to believe, ours is a nation literally founded on a principle of church/state separation, when most current political emphasis, especially that of…