After the 9/11 attacks, James Halpern led the first team of mental health workers at Ground Zero. The founding director of The Institute for Disaster Mental Health at the State University of New York at New Paltz says he is offended by an ad that attacks Antonio Delgado, the Democratic candidate in New York’s 19th Congressional District. The super PAC ad shows the burning Twin Towers. Halpern says the context in which the image is shown dishonors the memory of the civilians and first responders lost that day. WAMC’s Hudson Valley Bureau Chief Allison Dunne spoke with Halpern about the ad and more. A warning: some listeners may find this story upsetting.
The ad is from the Congressional Leadership Fund political action committee. The Faso campaign declined to comment citing federal law that does not permit coordination with super PACS, including commenting on ads. A spokesperson for the super PAC did not respond in time for this broadcast.
Halpern describes his work when leading the first team of mental health workers at Ground Zero.
Halpern says the field of disaster mental health has grown since 9/11.