On Sunday, there will be a Memorial Eve ceremony in the mid-Hudson Valley, on the pedestrian bridge Walkway Over the Hudson.
The Dutchess County Division of Veterans’ Services and Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro will honor veterans with an Illumination of the Walkway Ceremony. There will be a flag ceremony with the Pleasant Valley American Legion, Highland Veterans of Foreign Wars, and New York State park police. It’s happening at 7:45 p.m. at the flagpole midway along Walkway Over the Hudson, the pedestrian bridge that spans from Poughkeepsie in Dutchess County to Highland in Ulster County. There will also be a retired flag presentation to the family of Sergeant Mark Palmateer, the first Dutchess County soldier killed in Afghanistan. Those who join the sunset illumination vigil along the Walkway are urged to bring something to illuminate the span, but nothing with open flames.