The number of Democrats challenging second-term Republican Congresswoman Elise Stefanik of New York’s 21st district increased this week when Ronald Kim, a Queensbury and Saratoga Springs attorney, entered the race. Kim, a former elected official and mayoral candidate in Saratoga Springs, says he is running because he feels the incumbent’s continued refusal to meet with constituents on health care issues is disqualifying.
“The Congressperson is also the representative of the 21st district and to not be willing to meet with your constituents on this issue is disqualifying. And it just seems to me that the only way we’re ever going to unite this country is we’ve got to start talking. We may not always agree but that’s okay. But if you don’t even talk to people that just increases the division in our country and that is disqualifying for a congressperson. And I was shocked when I saw that she basically was refusing and she was hiding. She’s got to meet with her constituents. And that’s why I came into this race.”
During a visit to Plattsburgh on August 7th, incumbent Republican Elise Stefanik said regardless of the number of challengers she is focused on her job and delivering results to the district. “You know this last election cycle what I was most excited about is I won every county in this district. We won by over 30 points. That shows, I think, the support I have across party lines. And I ran on my results directly for this district on a local level. I feel confident but I’m going to focus on doing my job because that’s why they voted for me because they know I’m energetic, I’m hard working and I’m common sense and independent-minded and an effective voice for this district in Washington.”
The six Democrats seeking the 21st district nomination for Congress are Ronald Kim, Tedra Cobb of Potsdam, Don Boyajian of Saratoga County, Katie Wilson of Keene, Patrick Nelson from Stillwater and Emily Martz of Saranac Lake. Republican Russell Finley of Lisbon in St. Lawrence County is looking to force a primary.