Three men are being held in Virginia in connection with two bodies found a day apart in Rensselear County.
"I would just like to send a message out to the members of to the community of Troy. Although the investigation is still unfolding, we are very confident this was an incident between acquaintances. It was not a random event and the community is not in any danger whatsoever." Troy Police Chief John Tedesco reassuring citizens they are safe: he said Thursday his department has confirmed three arrests were made in the murder investigation surrounding 23-year-old Javier Gomez, originally of Mexico, found dead in his Glen Avenue apartment Monday, and Christian Gonzalez Hernandez, whose body was spotted in a creek in a neighboring town Tuesday evening by a woman out walking a dog. It turns out the men were cousins and roommates.
Murder charges have been filed in Troy City Court. Court documents obtained by NewsChannel13 accuse each of the men of participating, stabbing Gomez a number of times, and hitting him over the head with a hammer.

WNYT spoke with Ray Wall, who was acquainted with Christian Gonzalez Hernandez: "I'd kinda tend to gravitate to him. And he was very welcoming. I'm just.. I mean I'm shocked, I'm kinda beside myself. When I heard that there was a fair amount of violence involved I ... it was very upsetting,
Wall told the station that the three arrested in Virginia were found in Hernandez's car: 20-year-old Luis Monge Guevara, of Clifton Park; 28-year-old Magdaleno Perez-Calixto, of Latham; and 21-year-old Salomon Najera-Hernandez, of Mexico, were arrested Wednesday afternoon. They are awaiting extradition; the process is scheduled to begin November 17th.
Local media reports cited law enforcement sources as saying the suspects are linked to the Rosewood Garden apartments in Latham and the Quality Inn in Colonie, both locations checked by forensics teams.