Philippe Petit has performed on the high wire more than 80 times around the world; he is also a magician, street juggler, visual artist, builder, lecturer, writer and subject of the Academy Award-winning documentary, "Man on Wire" and the feature film "The Walk."
Petit’s first “coup” was walking between the towers of Notre Dame in Paris in 1971. He followed with a walk between the pylons of the Sydney Harbor Bridge, setting the stage for “the artistic crime of the century,” his Twin Towers walk a quarter of a mile above the sidewalks of New York in 1974.
Joe Donahue will be talking with Petit on stage at the UAlbany Performing Arts Center’s Recital Hall on Thursday, October 3 at 7 p.m. discussing his creative inspiration, craft and career with a question and answer session with the audience will follow. It is part of the UAlbany’s Creative Life series.
Preceding The Creative Life event, Petit will perform a demonstration of his rope-walking artistry and join attendees at a reception at 6 p.m.