The Charlemont Forum in Charlemont Massachusetts is an ongoing lecture series that explores the causes of and possible solutions for one aspect of the current divisions in American political culture.
On Wednesday, July 5th at 7 p.m., The Charlemont Forum is hosting a community reading of Frederick Douglass' famous speech, "What to the Slave is the 4th of July."
The co-artistic directors of the Double Edge Theater of Ashfield, are partnering with the Charlemont Forum to choreograph an engaging event. Actors from the Double Edge Theater together with approximately nine other readers who have volunteered from the hill towns, will give a dramatic reading of this stirring speech, which dates back to 5 July, 1852.
We are joined now by Bruce Lessels - a Charlemont Forum Board member and a Board member for the Double Edge Theater Company in Ashfield, Massachusetts.