In November of 1943, during fighting in the Pacific Theatre of World War II, more than 6,000 died during the Battle of Tarawa. The four-day battle on the…
We’re about to meet two World War II veterans whose work has been published and, in one case, whose art has been exhibited. For the latter, art therapy…
A World War II veteran in Chicopee, Massachusetts has worked to preserve the personal stories and experiences of fellow war veterans. The RiverMills…
During World War II, some 350,000 women served in the U.S. Armed Forces, both at home and abroad. Records show that by the time war was over, more than 2…
Oftentimes war means leaving the place you know behind, but it doesn’t always have to mean losing touch with home. In the next part of our series on World…
It was a concept that started in Springfield, Ohio in 2005 when 12 World War II veterans were taken to Washington, D.C. There is now a coordinated…