By all regards, players on the University of Missouri football team can consider this a win. Now former University of Missouri system president Tim Wolfe,…
Monday, February 23Cliff Ross of the University of North Florida is looking at the environment of the Florida Keys to learn more about coral…
Monday, October 27Alex Müller - University of Cape Town Health Care and LGBT DiscriminationDr. Alexandra Müller is a postdoctoral research fellow in the…
Monday, October 27Dr. Alex Muller of The University of Cape Town analyzes health care discrimination amongst LGBT patients. Tuesday, October 28Dr. Andrew…
The Academic Minute for 9.15.2014 - 9.19.2014Monday, September 15Amanda Kibler - The University of Virginia Modern Language LearningDr. Amanda Kibler is…
September 15th - 19thThis Week on The Academic Minute Monday, September 15Dr. Amanda Kibler of The University of Virginia analyzes the changing linguistic…
Visit AcademicMinute.org for exciting research featured every day!Monday, August 25Stefan Sarafianos - University of Missouri An HIV Resistant Flavor…
Today's Academic Minute takes us inside the world of professional sports.Professional athletes are very well paid. Their skills on the field can be…
In today’s Academic Minute, Dr. Brian Houston of the University of Missouri reveals how modern communication technology is changing how military families…
In today’s Academic Minute, Dr. Brick Johnstone of the University of Missouri explains efforts to pinpoint the location of the religious experience…