The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission has been awarded a U.S. Department of Agriculture grant for its Berkshire Market Collective project. The…
President-elect Donald Trump on Thursday announced the last of his cabinet nominees. Former Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue has been chosen to lead the…
New York’s two U.S. senators Wednesday announced federal funding for projects in New York watersheds. U.S. Senators Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand…
New York State has edged out Maine to keep its spot as the nation's second biggest producer of maple syrup.The U.S. Department of Agriculture reports New…
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has issued its preliminary 2012 census of U.S. agriculture. Taken every five years, the census released Thursday…
The White House Rural Council has released a report that outlines the need for Congressional passage of the Farm Bill.The Farm Bill is the main funding…
A New York congressman and a county executive say federal money will help schools purchase local produce.The $100,000 investment will connect Orange…
An aide to Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy is getting a new job.The appointment of Ted Brady as the U.S. Department of Agriculture's state director for…
U.S. maple syrup production soared to a record 3.2 million gallons this year, boosted by good weather and a high number of syrup taps in use.The…
The Vermont town of Randolph is getting $7.6 million for a new wastewater treatment plant.Construction on the new plant will begin in August or…