In debbie tucker green's dark comedy, “hang,” three individuals face off in a stark government room where justice hangs in the balance. A devastating decision with lingering consequences forms the underpinning of this unique and riveting story.“hang” was a runaway hit at the Royal Court in London makes its regional debut at Shakespeare & Company in Lenox, Massachusetts.The production runs September 10 through October 3 at the Tina Packer Playhouse in Lenox, MA.To tell us more about “hang” and the rest of the Shakespeare and Company season, we welcome the director of the play, Regge Life and Shakespeare & Company’s Artistic Director Allyn Burrows.
Tony Award Winner Stephanie J. Block is getting ready to take the stage for the first time since Broadway closed at the start of the covid-19 pandemic in 2020. Berkshire Theatre Group’s Colonial Concert series will present her concert, appropriately entitled “Returning Home” this Saturday.
Chester Theatre Company in Chester, Massachusetts presents “Tiny Beautiful Things” runs August 18-29. It’s directed by Chester Theatre Company Producing Artistic Director Daniel Elihu Kramer and all performances will take place at Hancock Shaker Village in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Sarah LaDuke speaks with actors Tara Franklin and James Barry.
Dina Janis discusses 2021 season at Dorset Theatre Festival which includes a production of "Queen of the Night" by travis tate who also joins the interview.
Berkshire Theatre Group’s education program is now serving 11,000 school children and this year their big summer production is back and it’s "The Wizard…
This Saturday and Sunday at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, New York, New York Stage and Film will present two performances of “White Girl in Danger,” a…
“Alien/Nation” an immersive world premiere theatrical experience that takes you on a journey throughout Williamstown, Massachusetts -- revealing…
“Alien/Nation” an immersive world premiere theatrical experience that takes you on a journey throughout Williamstown, Massachusetts -- revealing…
Weston Playhouse Theatre Company has returned to live performance with: An Iliad, running through August 6th under the Tent at Walker Farm.The eternal,…
This summer, the Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival is presenting a production of “The Most Spectacularly Lamentable Trial of Miz Martha Washington” by…