Less and less Christian demographically, America is now home to an ever-larger number of people who say they identify with no religion at all. These…
In an era of extreme partisanship, when running for office has become a zero-sum game in which candidates play exclusively to their ideological bases,…
I’d like to tell you about a recent decision of the Supreme Court of Canada regarding religious education.[1] Quebec has a “mandatory core curriculum”…
Hard to believe, ours is a nation literally founded on a principle of church/state separation, when most current political emphasis, especially that of…
I’ve visited this issue earlier; even quoted Teddy Roosevelt’s warning, that “…the one absolute certainty of bringing this nation to ruin, would be to…
If they haven’t discerned it before this, Americans must by now have realized, that the first freedom guaranteed by our Constitution is our most onerous…
Writing in the New York Times (4/8/12) Ross Douthat argues “that religious common ground has all but disappeared.” The existence of a Judeo Christian…
In 2001, after receiving a solicitation letter in the mail and then viewing a TV interview of Walter Cronkite, Honorary National Chairman of the…