"What the Children Told Us" by Tim Spofford is the story of the towering intellectual and emotional partnership between two Black scholars who highlighted the psychological effects of racial segregation.
Ravi Shankar is an award-winning author and editor of more than fifteen books and chapbooks of poetry. He is the founder of Drunken Boat, one of the world’s oldest electronic journals of the arts, and has been featured in the New York Times and on BBC, NPR, and PBS NewsHour. "Correctional" dives into the inner workings of his mind and heart, framing his unexpected encounters with law and order through the lenses of race, class, privilege, and his bicultural upbringing as the first and only son of South Indian immigrants.
Roya Hakakian is a lauded Persian poet turned television producer with programs like "60 Minutes." She became well known for her memoir, "Journey from the…
Ijeoma Oluo is a writer and speaker whose work on race has been featured in The Guardian, New York magazine, xoJane, Jezebel, and more. She is also an…
Racial tension in America has become a recurring topic of conversation in politics, the media, and everyday life. There are numerous explanations as to…
Daniel Okrent was the first public editor of The New York Times, editor-at-large of Time, Inc., and managing editor of Life magazine. He worked in book…
Jewish Voice for Peace -Hudson Valley has scheduled a panel entitled “We All Belong Here: Hearing the Voices of Muslim Women,” the event is a panel…
John Lanchester is the author of five novels, including his latest, "The Wall," the best-selling "Debt to Pleasure," and "Capital," as well as several…
Dr. Jennifer Eberhardt’s new book, “Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, and Do,” is a ground-breaking book that…
While the mass internment of Japanese Americans during WWII is well documented, few know about the other immigrant groups who suffered similar fates. More…