The Albany Common Council continues to ponder a recommendation to City Hall to waive a bill issued to the "Poor People's Campaign" after protesters…
An Albany Common Councilor wants the mayor to rescind a bill to the Poor Peoples’ Campaign for police services provided by the city during a recent…
The Poor People’s Campaign says it will not pay a bill from the city of Albany for law enforcement provided for a 90-minute march that tied up one of the…
Protesters with the New York State Poor People's Campaign marched to the capitol, blocked entrances and snarled traffic Monday. During the 90-minute march…
Police say a protest today could tie up traffic in downtown Albany. Activist Tim Shenk tells WAMC about the protest by the Poor People’s Campaign to…
The national movement to revive the Poor People’s Campaign launched half a century ago by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. came to the state capitol in…