Listen With The Lights On, a WAMC podcast, has migrated its feed to wamcpodcasts.org/listen-with-the-lights-on. There, listeners can find all of our past…
Along the banks of the Hudson River, roughly halfway between New York City and Albany, lies one of the country's most famous centers of culinary learning:…
It's part 2 of Tales from the Tavern, our live event recorded at the Olde English Pub in Albany, New York. In this episode you’ll hear us talk to live…
This week we bring you the first of a two-part special broadcast from our first-ever “Tales from the Tavern” live event. We hosted a two-hour panel at the…
It's an urban legend you've probably heard before in some form. You saw it play out in a movie, or read it in a book. It's the one about the innocent…
Every year on Christmas Eve, millions of children around the world go to bed with the expectation of waking up to a house full of presents on Christmas…
Why does a baker's dozen equal 13? There are multiple theories as to why, and how it came to be. Some say it started in the 13th century, when English…
There are historical markers all over the world. They are typically signs, placards or statues denoting some important bit of history that occurred in a…
It hasn't been a great season for those with a fear of clowns. What with the slew of typical horrifying clown masks parading around town on Halloween, and…
According to an Associated Press Survey from 2008, 34 percent of Americans say they believe in ghosts. Other surveys, like a Gallup poll from 2005, report…