The new musical “The Prom” tells the story of four all-but-washed-up narcissistic Broadway stars, played by Brooks Ashmanskas, Beth Leavel, Christopher…
Last week, a new Broadway musical made history during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade when actors Caitlin Kinnunen and Isabelle McCalla shared a kiss…
Artist Jeffrey Gibson uses his art to reflect on his Choctaw and Cherokee heritage as a means of exploring the significance, traditions, and rituals of…
Our Falling into Place series spotlights the important work of -and fosters collaboration between- not-for-profit organizations in our communities;…
We’re still learning about the victims of the Orlando shooting at a gay nightclub.In today’s Congressional Corner, Connecticut Representative Elizabeth…
The Lavender Blues is a showcase of queer music before World War II. It is music history. It is queer history. It is women's history. It is great…
Following the likes of New York’s Andrew Cuomo, Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy is banning state-funded travel to North Carolina in response to a new…
On the evening of June 24th 1973 a fire tore through a bar in New Orleans’ French quarter where a group of gay men were meeting for a religious service,…
The fight for gay, lesbian, and trans civil rights, the years of outrageous injustice, the early battles, the defeats, and the victories beyond the dreams…
October brought a new Executive Director to the Pride Center of the Capital Region. Michael Weidrich has served as the Interim Director, and has been on…