The New York City Department of Environmental Protection will postpone the opening of its recreational boating season because of the COVID-19 pandemic.The…
The New York City Department of Environmental Protection’s recreational boating program in the Catskills finished its eighth year.DEP officials say the…
A scientist with the New York City Department of Environmental Protection recently spotted a rare dragonfly species in the Catskills on his way to perform…
The New York City Department of Environmental Protection held a ribbon-cutting ceremony Monday to celebrate completion of a renovated building at the…
The Catskill Center and New York City Department of Environmental Protection have preserved their first parcel of land under a new program.The Catskill…
The New York City Department of Environmental Protection next week will begin removing trees it says endanger a monument at the Ashokan Reservoir in…
The New York City Department of Environmental Protection will install security cameras along a reservoir in Ulster County. DEP officials announced…
The New York City Department of Environmental Protection is making it easier — digitally — for the public to find its recreation areas in the Hudson…
Two new hiking trails open Saturday – one in Ulster County, another in Delaware County -- in recognition of National Trails Day.There will be a community…
A long-awaited agreement between the New York State Department of Environmental and New York City Department of Environmental Protection has been…