Troy Foundry Theatre is once again devising a world-premiere piece of theatre using the city of Troy, NY and its unique history as a narrative backdrop. Inspired by the events and the social context surrounding the Great Fire of 1862 in Troy, NY, “Where There’s Smoke: Ilium Burns” will bring the audience into an immersive world of
American cataclysms -- both internal and external -- with characters spanning from the Civil War to Present Day using the historic Trojan Hotel as their playground. “Where There’s Smoke: Ilium Burns” opened this past Friday and will have performances at the Trojan Hotel through October 16.
We are joined by Troy Foundry Theatre Artistic Director David Girard, co-creator and curator of this project, and Richard Lovrich - esteemed and acclaimed area photographer, and art director. Richard is the scenic captain for “Where There’s Smoke: Ilium Burns.”