The Rensselaer County Village of Hoosick Falls is looking toward the future after being dogged by more than a year of negative headlines surrounding a water contamination crisis and most recent devastating flooding. WAMC’s Southern Adirondack Bureau Chief Lucas Willard has details about an event next month designed to assist individuals looking to start a business.
News out of Hoosick Falls has swirled around the chemical contamination in drinking water and the ongoing fight for a new water supply. And that was before flooding earlier this summer washed out roads and damaged homes.
But many locals are looking to the future. Jean Andrick, a lifelong resident, had the idea to hold an event to teach anyone looking to open or expand their business how to find funding.
“I wanted to kind of move forward and have some positive things happening,” said Andrick. “We have other people in the village doing some social-type events, but my concern is filling empty storefronts in our village.”
Andrick is a certified counselor with SCORE, which aims to help small business get off the ground.
Next month, the non-profit is hosting the “Hoosick Falls – Open For Business” workshop.
There, entities like the Small Business Administration, New York Business Development Corporation, National Grid, local banks, and others will share info on getting funding.
Andrick said the village could use businesses like a bakery or restaurants, but it is also unique in the amount of space available.
“Once people come to our village and see a couple of the new startups that occurred in the village – a lot of millennials coming in, wanting to get out of the city – the whole focus is ‘take a look.’ There are varied amounts of sizage, square footage that are available: from very small to even a 5,000-type facility that could encourage a number of things,” said Andrick.
Partnering in organizing the event is Briggs Buzzell, Economic Development Director for the Village of Hoosick Falls.
She came to the small village earlier this year after working for the Greater Portsmouth Chamber of Commerce in New Hampshire.
“I have a love for Hoosick Falls and it seems that everyone in Hoosick Falls has a love for Hoosick Falls,” said Buzzell. “There’s a great pride in this community.”
In her role as Economic Development Director, Buzzell assisted with a recent re-branding for the village. In June, the village board voted to approve a new logo for Hoosick Falls.
Buzzell, a millennial herself, said she’s seen the energy and other young people coming to town.
“We have seven new businesses opening up in this next year, so it seems like a great place that you want to come and nurture a new business and have local support, so I think it’s a great area for it,” said Buzzell.
The event will be held Thursday, September 14th at the HAYC3 Armory on Church Street from 4 to 6 p.m.. It’s free and open to the public.
For more information contact:
Brighid "Briggs" Buzzell
Economic Development
Town and Village of Hoosick Falls
Jean Andrick
Certified Score Counselor