A train derailment early Monday morning in Albany has heightened community awareness of the dangers of so-called "oil trains" - disasters in other cities have spurred meetings, demonstrations, rail car inspections, a moratorium on expansion at the Port of Albany and have moved Governor Cuomo to call for increased safety - but residents in Albany's South End Neighborhoods say they're still in the cross-hairs of danger as oil trains pass nearby.
Albany County Executive Dan McCoy spoke with residents of the Ezra Prentice homes: "And I said what's it gonna take to wake people up? To have a thing like what happened in Canada happen here? Do we turn a playground into a cemetery? And then we tell people we're sorry but we tried to make them do the right thing."
Tuesday the Albany Common Council Committee held a meeting on emergency response and health concerns over oil trains.
County officials say they're working to come up with a preparedness drill and evacuation plan