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Critics Say Cuomo Rushed Action on Guns

Pat Arnow

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Gov. Andrew Cuomo is being criticized by a good-government group and rank-and-file lawmakers for rushing his gun control law through secret meetings to make New York the first state to enact a measure since the Newtown, Conn., tragedy.

Dick Dadey of Citizens Union says the closed-door negotiations followed by immediate votes were unnecessary for a bill in which most measures aren't effective for 60 days.

Dadey says public input and debate makes better laws.

Democratic and Republican lawmakers complained they saw the bill for only 20 minutes to two hours before they had to vote.

Republicans say Cuomo pushed his bill to passage to boost his own political career.
Cuomo says the scourge of assault weapon violence constitutes a dire emergency and government must act as soon as possible. 
Copyright 2013 The Associated Press.

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