Since its founding in 2015, Juul has exploded into the highest-selling e-cigarette on the market. It made its founders billionaires and has become the face of the youth vaping crisis. In 2018, the Surgeon General declared the staggering rise of e-cigarette use among teens an epidemic: data that year showed that more than 3.6 million teens, including 1 in 5 high school students and 1 and 20 middle school students, used e-cigarettes.
The following year, a series of deaths and severe lung injuries tied to vaping sounded even more alarm bells; and while we are now more aware of its threat, the vaping epidemic still rages.
In "The Devil's Playbook: Big Tobacco, Juul, and the Addiction of a New Generation" award-winning Bloomberg journalist Lauren Etter reveals the story of the business’s unprecedented boom and the staggering damage it caused.