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8/21/14 Panel

  Today's panelists are WAMC’s Alan Chartock, University at Albany Journalism Professor and Investigative Reporter, Rosemary Armao, and Publisher Emeritus of The Daily Freeman, Ira Fusfeld.

Topics include:
Obama reacts to beheading/ISIL
U.S. Tried to rescue Foley
Slow going in Ferguson
Teachout stays
American Ebola doc to be released
Common Core losing ground in U.S.?

In a radio career that has spanned nearly 35 years, Ray Graf has done it all. At one time or another he worked as an overnight board operator, a commercial copywriter, a reporter and a voiceover announcer. For several years - a lifetime ago - he was a morning drive disc jockey. Graf has been a member of the WAMC News team for 16 years. These days, he finds himself as The Roundtable's news anchor, panelist- and occasional guest host for Joe Donahue. "Radio news is not always easy," said Graf of his most recent radio vocation, "but it's not nearly as difficult as spinning a Michael Bolton record at 5:45 in the morning and pretending you're happy about it."
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